LWRWC Raised over $5,700 for Children’s Guardian Fund to Make Children’s Lives A Little Sweeter.
From Feb. 22 – March 12, the club held “Snack-nado” – a successful charity drive to help provide kid friendly snacks and a wide variety of comfort items for children being helped by the CGF. Grocery gift cards and monetary donations were also donated.

L-R: Ann Sledz, LWRWC Corresponding Secretary, Svetlana Ivashchenko, Children’s Guardian Fund Executive Director, and Kristin Poolman, Children’s Guardian Fund Program Director.

On Tuesday, March 16, Lakewood Ranch Women’s Club delivered $5740 in cash and in-kind donations, including a multitude of vinyl bags overflowing with an enormous quantity of delicious healthy snacks, kids towels, blankets, quilts, pillowcases, games, teddys, kids themed bath items and more, and a check for $2240 to The Children’s Guardian Fund (CGF).

The donations were sorted and placed into bags so each child will get a fully loaded bag with love from the LWRWC. The donations were sorted and delivered by a small contingency from the Women’s Club, consisting of LWRWC Philanthropy Co-Chair Trish Newman, LWRWC Vice President, Carol Belmont, LWRWC Recording Secretary, Janet Dobbs, and LWRWC Corresponding Secretary, Ann Sledz. Children’s Guardian Fund Executive Director, Svetlana Ivashchenko, and Program Director, Kristin Poolman helped with the effort and will ensure that children in need receive these loving donations intended to help sweeten the lives of children who have braved so much trauma and adversity .