Welcome New Members

The Lakewood Ranch Women’s Club Board hosted a New Member Gathering on October 25. 2013, coordinated by Cheryl Breining, LWRWC New Member Ambassador, to officially welcome new and recent members to the Women’s Club family.

Barb Thornton , LWRWC Hospitality Chair, and the hosting Board Members provided a brunch with a delectable selection of savory and sweet treats. LWRWC Vice President, Linda Stone gave welcome remarks and told the new members that the women’s club is a wonderful venue for meeting new friends, participating in interesting activities, and getting involved in helping the club’s four adopted charities.

The LWRWC Board members in attendance introduced themselves and gave a brief overview of their positions, backgrounds, and information about the women club and its key activities. This included sharing highlights of Programs and Events, Off-the-Ranch Outings, Special Interest Group (SIGs), and philanthropic community service activities.

The upcoming 2023 Charity Fundraisers highlighted include “Holiday Market” at Palm Aire Country Club on 11/15 and “The Magic of LWRWC” Holiday Dinner Theatre on 12/6 at the LWR Country Club Ballroom.

Each new member introduced herself and shared highlights about her background and interests. Although our new members come from different places and diverse backgrounds, they are all very dynamic women who want to make a difference and make new friends.