Membership is renewable from January to March at the rate of $30.00.
One Step – Click Renewal Button.

Linda McMillam, LWRWC Membership Chair
New Members Welcome – Join the LWRWC Today. Membership in the LWRWC is open to all women, 18 years or over, residents of Lakewood Ranch and from communities that abut Lakewood Ranch SMR properties and to women business owners in LWR.
For maximum security, online payments are handled through the PayPal payment service. This will ensure that information you transmit online is protected. Using your credit card protects you from fraud.
New Members – Three Steps
Complete the application form
Check areas of interest and submit
Click Dues Button to pay dues
I hereby apply for membership in the Lakewood Ranch Women’s Club. I agree to read and abide by the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures. I further agree, as a condition of membership, to hold the club harmless in the event I suffer and injury or damage on Club business or at a Club function.
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STOP! New Members please complete the membership form and submit before you pay dues.