LWRWC New Member Brunch 4/6/2023
Twenty five new members attended the LWRWC New Member Brunch held at Town Hall in Lakewood Ranch on Thursday, April 6. The event was organized by Linda McMillan, LWRWC Membership Chair, and was hosted by the LWRWC Board.

Front Row L – R: Susan Tabicman, Jill Rose, Joyce Lee, Lindsey Colombo, Lynda Root, Sharon Bailey, Bonni Stutz, Deon Brown, Donna Mazurkiewicz, Judy Lomax. Back Row L-R: Cathy Greeney, Dover Ford, Vicki Schrimpf, Mary Kropczynski, Mandy Sozor, Debbie Leaf, Pam Hildebrand, Carol Hallstead, Cathy Kelly, Barbara Stevenson, Diane Kuppler-Weaver, Dot Sorensen, Betsy Brunswick, Deb Paschen, Rosemary Stack.
At the onset, the new members engaged in social time with their fellow new members and savored a delectable buffet of breakfast goodies provided by the members of the Board.
After brunch, all the LWRWC Board members in attendance introduced themselves, shared a personal insight into when they moved to LWR, gave a brief overview of their positions, and provided key information about the club and its activities.
Following the Board’s introductions, the new members were asked to stand and share when they moved to Lakewood Ranch and tell a little about themselves. The new members come from different places and diverse backgrounds, but all are looking for fun, friendship and community service, and the board is confident that they will feel right at home as members of the Lakewood Ranch Women’s Club.