Eileen Buzzard

A Philanthropy Committee was created by the LWRWC Board in 2014 to coordinate the LWRWC philanthropic activities. Eileen Buzzard and Cheryl Gross are serving as the 2022 Philanthropy Co-Chairs.

The LWRWC is proud of its many philanthropy efforts. In January 2021, the Women’s Club donated $65,100 to its current adopted Charites: HOPE Family Services, SMART Riding Therapy, SOLVE Maternity Homes, and Children’s Guardian Fund bringing the Club’s total charitable donations to over $540,000 to date.

In addition to raising and donating money, the LWRWC sponsors an on-going clothing and donation drive for the Hope Chest Thrift Store; collects children’s books for the Book Nook at HOPE; knits blankets and quilts for  babies at SOLVE; offers a community service scholarship fund for LWR High School seniors [suspended in 2020, 21 due to pandemic.]



MaryLee Danahy

The LWRWC Philanthropy Committee sponsors an on-going clothing and donation drive for the Hope Chest Thrift Store. This Shop helps support HOPE Family Services, Inc., in its mission to offer high quality services to survivors of domestic violence.

LWRWC Members can bring items to donate to the monthly meetings and members of the Philanthropy Committee will deliver them to The Hope Chest.

If you are unable to attend a meeting, but would like to donate gently used clothing to the Hope Chest, contact the Hope Chest Chair, MaryLee Danahy, at MLDanahy@lwrwc.org for delivery arrangements.

 Donation receipts for tax purposes are available.

Blankets 4 Babies

Linda Stone

Blankets 4 Babies is a subcommittee of LWRWC Philanthropy. It was founded in Spring 2017 by LWRWC member, Diane Laybourn. The purpose is to give a special blanket to children in need because every child deserves their own special blanket!

To date, Blankets 4 Babies has donated over 400 beautiful blankets and quilts to various organizations including SOLVE, HOPE, Children’s Guardian Fund, Manatee Sheriff’s Office, and Mothers Helping Mothers.

At the Blankets 4 Babies monthly meetings, women get together and knit, sew, quilt and crochet, using their talents and generous spirit to create unique blankets made with love. They meet the second Tuesday of the month at Town Hall from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Donations of new blankets can be brought to LWRWC general meetings, monthly luncheons, and Blankets 4 Babies meetings.” For more information, please contact the 2021 Blankets 4 Babies Chair, Linda Stone at LStone@lwrwc.org

LWRWC Community Service Scholarship

The Scholarship Committee was formed in 2015 and offers an annual $1,000 merit-based scholarship to a female Lakewood Ranch High School senior who will pursue a degree in higher education and who has demonstrated commitment to community service, especially in a leadership role.

At the discretion of the Scholarship Committee and the LWRWC Board, a maximum of $1500 in scholarships can be awarded to multiple recipients. Applications can be found on the LWRWC website and at the Lakewood Ranch High School website beginning in November of each year.  Application deadlines are the end of January. Contact the current LWRWC Scholarship Chair, Pam Szabo, at PSzabo@lwrwc.org for more information abut this committee.

2019 Scholarship Winners Angela Baldino, Denver Romano, Renee Ashby