Handmade Blankets Delivered to Charity


In December 2020, Eileen Buzzard, Miriam Echevarria, and Susan Strahs, delivered 16 beautiful handmade blankets donated by LWRWC Blankets 4 Babies Committee to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Department was incredibly grateful to receive the blankets.

Officers and detectives will have these blankets available to them when they arrive at the scene of a domestic disturbance involving families, or when social services need to remove children from an unsafe environment. The blankets help them to establish trust and ease children’s fears.

The ladies also delivered handmade blankets and 40 beautifully designed & hand sewn pillowcases to the Children’s Guardian Fund. The pillowcases were especially appreciated by the TWEEN and TEEN children who are also in need of special gifts for everyday life.